Lets support the environment together!

support the projectThe environmental impact to the earth and oceans caused by us humans is terrible and also increasing year by year!

Of course, as surfers, the topic of environmental protection and, in particular, the protection of our seas is very important to us, so we decided to start a joint donation collection.

Each year, at the end of the year, we will donate 100% of the collected donations to a good environmental protection organization or environmental project. Such as Surfers against Sewage, Clean Aqua Project, Seasheppard, Greenpeace (if you have other good ideas where to donate for a really good environmental reason, just give us a message by email)

So we can donate all together as a surfer community for a good cause and do something good for our environment!

So don't mind, just be part of it and make a little donation for our oceans and the environment! :)