Marejada Surfcamo Senegal
Our guests will have accommodation in two or three people bungalows, with private bathroom, terrace, free Wifi, fan and insect screen if needed. Garden area, an area to keep all equipment, bureau, bar, restaurant.
Bungalows are for share, but private use is available with a little charge.
Our facilities are located in the entrance of the town of Kabrousse. Nearby you can find some bars, food stores, pharmacy and another local business.The beach is less than 10 minutes away walking, although the shifts are done in 4×4, in order to go to the best spot depending on the tide, wind or height of the waves.
Cap Skirring, the bigger town in the area, is just over 2 kms. away by road from the camp, and ther you can find handmade products markets, food market, banks, lots of shops and restaurants, beside the airport. We can reach Cap Skirring in our vehicle or in one of many taxis continuosly coming and going between Kabrousse and Cap for less than 0.30 euros.

Book surf camp ➔ Book cheap flight ➔ SURF AND HAVE FUN!