TABLAS Surf Shop Gijon

Well sorted surf shop in Gijon. Tablas also has its own cheap surfboards in the program. Take a look inside is definitely worth it.

Summer opening times:
1 June - 30 September
Weekdays: 10:15~13:30 y 17:00~20:30
Saturday: 10:30~13:45 y 17:00~20:00

Winter opening times:
1 October - 31 May
Weekdays: 10:15~13:30 y 16:30~20:00
Saturday: 10:30~13:45 y 17:00~20:00

Address & Contact

TABLAS Surfshop
Pase del Muro, nº4
33202 Gijón , Asturias
Phone: (+34) 985 35 47 00
Website: http://

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